Ok i just need to know what these 2 things are then i should i will be ready to put in my mod chip into my xbox So what is the eeprom(or somthing like that) what does it do ? How do back it up Also how do i back up my hard drive of my xbox on to my comput to a cd/dvd??? When i put my dash board on my xbox do i have to fttp it or can i install it threw a cd or dvd if i can do it threw a dvd/cd how do i burn the files so i can do that
[bold]What is an EEPROM?[/bold] Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. Every one is different. [bold]How do you back it up?[/bold] First off, you need a floppy. FTP in your Xbox, or use a file manager tool, and in C:\Backup, you will find a file called EEPROM.BIN Save that to the floppy and hold it close to your heart. [bold]How do you back up your hard drive?[/bold] You can clone the drive (literally) or you can create a space for it on your PC and just copy the files there. Some "Installers" like xboxhdm will lwt you take that method a step further and create an .iso of thos files for the purpose of modding. [bold]How do you put your dashboard onto your xbox?[/bold] Both methods you listed will work but I prefer FTPing. If you do it by disc, all you need to do is save the folder that contains the dashboard's info. (a data disc) and that's it.