I'm new as you can tell....I have some games for the kids that I'd like to burn a copy so they won't scratch/ruin the original. Would you please give me step by step directions? I have a DVD Burner.. hope that is all I need. Thanks so much, Rita
Welcome to AfterDawn...... your question would be better answered by member who know better if you post the question in the correct forum: hit the FORUMS tab on top of this page and then scoll down to CONSOLES and there you will find all the game forums..... pick the one you want and ask your question there! You'll get a better response from members who use your game format and are eager to help. good luck to you..... and welcome to AfterDawn.
I'm sorry I went to the wrong forum and thank you for sending me in another direction, however, I think CONSOLES may not be the right place for me either....The games I am talking about is ones like, Finding Nemo (age 4+) ....Ont he back of the case, it says, PC-CD-ROM Software.... but I'll keep looking... Take Care, Rita