I have a backup of a movie. It's in a video_ts folder. There are a bunch of files in the folder. I don't know which ones to burn. The files can't be read by DVD Decrytor, Alcohol 120% or Nero. Is there any program which can let me burn a video_ts folder. And which files do I need to burn? Any help plz?
Nero can burn your VIDEO_TS folder. http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/burning_dvd_with_nero.cfm Download the new DVD Shrink 3.2. The backup options are much clearer. When you select Backup! be sure to check the Target Device tab and see that Select backup target is set to the type of files and burning option you want.
Hi Xman2004 Back up with DVD Shrink and create a file calle VIDEO_TS. This file should be the path file used to capture the back up. Then use something like Recordmax, Nero etc to back up. I always add an AUDIO_TS file also for good measure. These two files back up on a disc should be all you need . Recondmax is a winner for me
Xman, Pete's guide will work fine, all his and flip's advice is sound. I like Burn express located just below burning rom in the startsmart menu . Open it and then open a seperate window where your files are located. Click and drag your entire folder to express' VIDEO_TS folder. Ignore the AUDIO_TS folder. Express will then choose the files it needs. Hit next and then burn. Done in 10 minutes or so.