i think this may be pretty stupid question but i would like to burn multiple videos and from various artist on a single dvd almost like a music cd but only with videos. is this possible, can someone help show me the way.
Are the music videos on DVDs or are they AVI/divX files? What size are the files? Do you desire a menu?
thanks for the reply, the videos are on dvd, but aslo i have AVI/divX files and would like to use them as well, i dont have size of files here on my work cpu, and i dont mind if it is a menu format just as long as you can help.
You could use NeroVision, part of the Nero suite of programs. It has a free trial version that is functional if you don't already own the program. http://www.nero.com Nerovision will allow the importation of both DVDs and any type of video file into a project and also has a menu making feature.. If you want to make your AVIs DVD compliant or turn them into MPEGs, you could also use TMPGEnc Author. I'd use version 1.6 since the newest version's free trial isn't fully functioning. TMPG will import titles from DVDs as well as mpeg files. http://tmpgenc.pegasys-inc.com/en/download/tda16.html I like the simple menu system here better than that found in NeroVision. You can use DVD Copy 4 Platinum (free fully functioning trial) to convert your AVIs. http://www.intervideo.com/jsp/InterVideoDVDCopy_Profile.jsp There are quides online. Just google tmpgenc author guides and you get this: http://www.google.com/search?q=tmpg...ient=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official Googling Nerovision: http://www.google.com/search?hs=otT...n-US:official&q=nerovision+guides&btnG=Search