How do I burn VCD's??

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by Spidey, May 5, 2002.

  1. Spidey

    Spidey Member

    May 5, 2002
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    Can anyone please tell me how to burn VCDs?
    Do I need a special VCD appication?
  2. cduran

    cduran Guest

    You can use Nero but you need the mpg2 plugin.
    You can burn VCD or SVCD.
  3. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    b.b..b.b.........bbbb..............BULL**IT. No offence, but I hear this claim too often.

    You don't need any frigging MPEG-2 plugin, instead you should avoid the MPEG-2 plugin of Nero like a bad disease.

    Nero's ""plugins"" for MPEG-1 (included with the Nero package) and MPEG-2 (sold separately) are just extremely crappy encoders that produce horrible quality.

    If you have an existing MPEG-1 file (normally extension .mpg) which is VCD compliant (not all of them are, VCD specs are quite restrictive, visit our glossary at for full specs), you can just easily use Nero to burn the VCD using these instructions:

    ...if your movie is _not_ a VCD-compliant MPEG-1, but DivX or something else, you need to re-encode the file. Note: re-encoding lowers the quality. Normally a lot. Using Nero's encoder will render the movie worse than my aunt's home movies from '70s, using quality encoder like TMPGEnc will produce something comparable to VHS quality -- this obviously depends on your existing material's quality. One guide for converting AVIs and adding permanent subs and creating VCD-compliant MPEG-1 out of that is here:

    ...I strongly suggest that you read through our article section and browse through our forums.
    Last edited: May 6, 2002

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