how do i check what firmware is on my nintendo dsi?

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by spinners, Aug 19, 2009.

  1. spinners

    spinners Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    hi, i recently bought a new nintento dsi and now want to buy an acekard so i can play downloaded games, i was told to make sure that my dsi did not have firmware v1.4 on it as then the ace kard would nt work. can anybody tell me how do i check to see what firmware is on my dsi as i hav nt a clue?
  2. cturtle

    cturtle Guest

    Click on settings from the DSi main menu, and it will say in the bottom right corner.

    Anything below but NOT including 1.4 will work with an Acekard without applying the update. However, if it says 1.4 you will need to find an Acekard that's already been patched, or a DS Lite to patch it.
  3. spinners

    spinners Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    i presume you mean tha bottom right corner of the top screen? my top screen is just blank with a few white horizontal lines goin through it, (but i thought that was normal as im totally illiterate when it comes to stuff like this),d wife has since told me that my little fella smacked the dsi off the ground when i was out so its obviously broke from that impact.

    Do u know if this can be fixed? thanks for d reply!
  4. cturtle

    cturtle Guest

    Oh yeah, sorry the top screen.

    As far as fixing the screen goes, if it's like the DS Lite, it's not terribly difficult if you know what you're doing. It's not something you want to try unless you're sure you do, because you could end up breaking something else. ;)

    There are plenty of tutorials and places to buy replacement screens online, or if you don't want to fix it yourself, there are plenty of places that will fix it relatively cheap.
  5. spinners

    spinners Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    cheers, thanks v much for ur help!

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