I would like to know the different ways to play my ipod over my stereo. What about this item that I have seen called " DLO HomeDeck " What if I wanted to be able to take my ipod to a friends house and play my music over there stereo? Is there a way to do this with a fm transmitter and are they any good. Also what would be the battery life of of a 2nd gen. ipod nano be? Just got this for Christmas for my son and don't know much about it. Please help. Thanks Waynesworld
Most stereos have aux in jacks for audio- RCA ports, to be exact. You can buy cables (cheap) that essentially attack a headphone-out jack (like the one on a ipod) to an RCA-in jack (i.e. the aux in on a stereo, television, or basically any other audio device). This is a much better solution to using a FM transmitter or tape adapter, as both are subject to a phenomenal loss of quality/fidelity. They're also much cheaper. Essentially, you're looking for one of these: http://www.radioshack.com/product/i...ipod+stereo&kwCatId=2032058&parentPage=search although there are cheaper versions, this is just an example.
use a itrip, it is a fm transmitter for ipods, you can get them for good price on ebay, depends wot ipod you have got coz i have a brand new one that is the wrong one for my ipod, pm me if you intrested in it.