I've got an h264 mp4 file that I want to be able to either play from a usb stick or stream to my Xbox 360. The file plays fine on my computer but if I try to play it on the 360 I'm told the format is not supported and get the following error code 69-C00D119A. I think this is because the file contains 5.1 audio and the 360 does not support this for mp4. Does anyone know how to convert the 5.1 audio to a 2-channel stereo source?
Try AviDemux. Drag the file onto the window. Set the side menu as shown then click the 'Save' logo. give the file a new name (include the extension) e.g. newfile.mp4
I also had sync issues when using avidemux as outlined above for mp4 with 5.1-channel AAC audio to 2-ch This method has worked for me numerous times now: (1) Demux (extract) the audio stream with Yamb, (2) transcode the 5.1 AAC stream to 2 ch with MediaCoder Audio Edition, and (3) mux the 2ch AAC back into the MP4 w/ the H264 stream with Yamb. Since it only involves reencoding (transcoding) the audio, it doesn't take very long and the video quality will be unaffected Yamb: http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/video_tools/yamb.cfm Mediacoder Audio Edition: http://mediacoder.sourceforge.net/audio/ (1) Demux audio w/ Yamb: (2) Transcode 6ch AAC to 2ch w/ mediacoder: Note: Before being able to transcode 5.1 ch AAC to 2 ch you will have to find & paste a enc_aacplus.dll and nscrt.dll to the Mediacoder codecs folder (C:\Program Files\MediaCoder Audio Edition\codecs). If you have WinAmp installed you can find them in its installation folder or if you don't have WinAmp you can probably find them by doing a web search for "enc_aacplus.dll". http://www.google.com/search?q=enc_aacplus.dll I found them linked in another vid forum comments at the first search result for me. Also, the first time you try to run mediacoder it will open a webpage. You can just check the 'do not open next time mediacoder starts' box and then click 'open mediacoder' instead of doing the online setup. (3) Mux 2ch & vid stream w/ Yamb:
Eh up everyone, I know this is an old thread but I'm looking to ressurect it to see if anyone has any more info or can help me out. Basically, got a .mp4 clip that contains a 6 channel audio track it seems. Tried to play it on my xbox thinking "Awh great it's already .mp4 should work a treat" but after doing a little research i've read that it has a to be a 2 channel audio track for it to work on the xbox. So followed the guide on this from majTJKong and after a while of some stress I was down to the final hurdle of getting the 2 channel track and mixing it with the original 720p video. Left it to do it's thing and came back to the finished product which was an .mp4 but it just was nothing as in 0 bytes file size. This is what keeps happening or the creation fails. If ANYONE could help me out i'd greatly appreciate it. Many thanks
It's saying now everytime I try to mix the video and new 2 channel audio made in Media Coder that there's an error when loading the ISO?
Try updating YAMB if you don't have the last version. MeGui can also mux the video/audio, could try that: http://sourceforge.net/projects/megui/ Edit: It seems MegUI uses mp4box, same as Yamb, not sure it would make a difference)
I'll give it a go aswell, if I can figure out how to use it. If not i'll try Yamb tomorrow again (yeah using latest beta version and also tried latest stable version) but when it makes an error i'll post up the log to show what the problem is so you'll have a better idea. Thanks very much for replying by the way Cyprus.
Done that and it's having the same problem as Yamb I think... It's having trouble importing the file?
The video it seems. Audio is importing fine, it's just when it tries to get the ISO video file? RE-doing it do get a log
I did the pretty much what MajTJKong suggested with MediaCoder with the exception that I've got the all in one install. Selecting the Video tab you can check "Keep Video" and then change the Sound to 2 channel and it will just take about 15-20 minutes to transcode the audio to 2 channel and be playable on your XBox.
I have an mp4 file with 6ch audio and an 2ch audio in seperate file. I tried adding the files to Yamb but they dont even appear in the input list. I am very confused and have no idea how to fix this. Just two files: the mp4 movie with 6ch, and an 2ch audio file. Why dont they appear in yamb? Im using the latest beta version of yamb on vista. I really want to be able to stream the movie to my xbox. If anyone knows what the problem is help would be appreciated, thanks.