have dvd fab decrypter and dvd shrink. Nero came with my pc 2 years ago, but these are the only programs i have and have never worked with AVI>. thanks in advance..
How on earth have you ended up with a 8gb .avi file ? Only time I've seen people with avi files that size is if they recorded their own footage , but with a size that large I would imagine the quality setting has been left way too high. When you encode a 700mb .avi file to that of a dvd compliant nature , it will end up being like 20gb ! lol Please explain more as it would just be second guessing as to what to suggest for the best. peace
LOL, sorry, it is an entire season of a show, 32 episodes, each one approx 380 mb.. So, i don't want to make 32 dvd's, i just dont know how to go about doing this. So hope this helps. Also, when i play it on the computer, it is pretty small, when i convert it to dvd, how can i make it a bigger picture? Thanks again..
hi cindy , right well that does explain things a lot better I would suggest using an encoder like ConvertXtoDVD as it really does keep projects fairly small. When you add files , it will tell you at the bottom how much space it'll use up .. and you can obviously keep adding until its somewhere near 4.36Gb There are general settings and you can make the project/output NTSC if you need to (as you would if your in USA). And also a setting for 16:9 widescreen or 4:3 fullscreen so take your pick - lol (I prefer to leave them as they are , so no compromise to video quality at all + I have a widescreen TV .. hehe) Anyway I would guesstimate you'll need to do about 5 or 6 DVDs maybe , tis a shame you dont have a modded xbox w/ media player or a DivX dvd player .. then you'd be able to burn as raw data. Have fun & feel free to ask more questions
thanks so much, i am trying it now, darn, i thought it might be a free program.. that figures, i will hardly ever use it, and i see the trial info posted right in the middle... i guess i will see how much it is to buy and hope its cheap