Can someone explain to me how to get the old halo 2 maps on to my hardrive. and do I need to have the evolution x dashboard to do it?
yes he is correct. You need to copy the game to your HD. A tip though would be leave the SinglePlayer Maps and Bink Folder out.
put the disc in then go to applications then dvd2xbox then press A to copy game to hdd select e:/games folder and make sure u have enough room. u might have to delete the new maps unless u get a biggger hdd. and for some reason u cant mod on old maps on live can someone please tell me why???
sorry for the stupid questions, but i am an idiot at modding the old maps and getting the evolution dashboard and dvd2xbox and stuff like that. so can someone please write a good tut on how to get the old maps on your hardrive or tell me where to find one? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!HELP!!!!!!!!!ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is your xbox modded? if not thats the first place to start and there are some of the best tuts on here that will get ya there, just look for the sticky that says how to softmod your box and that will have just about everything ya need to mod halo2. good luck.. add