Press Menu > Channel Edit > 0000 > Press YELLOW to EDIT and Press RED to MOVE the channel where you want
The EPG is not very good on the Starvi*w but you can try this Menu > User Setup > Go down to Time Setting and set the time > Go accross and Time Zone = GMT + 01.00 > Current Time = AUTO > Summer Time = ON > Press Ok then Exit , Exit
The EPG can be a bit temperamental, sometimes it gives all the listings for a channel sometimes it only gives a few to make sure you get the best from it make sure you have your time setting set to 'Auto' and time zone set to GMT +1.
sorry for being a pain. current time does not have AUTO. nor does it say summer time[/quote] It does,when you go down to 'Time Setting' press OK on your remote that will bring you into the time settings menu which will bring up all the info that Celtic said it would have.
The AUTO and Summer settings are only available on the later firmware, definitely version 4.00, and maybe 3.00. Press MENU, go to System Information, and tell us what it has next to API ver.
Surely nene07 has to have at least version 4.00 on the Starview,would it still work with the earlier firmwares ? I thought that anythin with firmware under 4.00 wouldn't work.
Because as I said I thought that the Star***w's and The Boxes had to have a fairly recent firmware on them for them to run effeciently,that's all.
Thats true bit alot of people has never flashed with the latest firmware hence the problems they have with codes , settings etc nene , can you press menu > System Information and tell us what the API is please
That's true for genuine starviews. Version 3.00 had stability problems for a lot people, getting the bad or scrambled channel every 10-15 minutes, and the picture pixelating, which is why version 4.00 was brought out. However, if you have a clone, anything newer than 2.59 will kill it, I know, I put 4.00 on mine and killed it after 2 days. The latest ( last ?? ) firmware for clones is 2.57 FIXED, which is stable, and autorolls the codes when they change.