how do i get my new softmod box with new hdd to play on xbl???

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by jabiggie, Feb 15, 2006.

  1. jabiggie

    jabiggie Guest

    I just put a 160G Hitachi HDD into my xbox it has evoX on it and i cant get it to play on xbox live any help would be greatly appreciated i would even offer as much as to pay or some form of reembursement thank you any help is welcome
  2. Coxy_69

    Coxy_69 Member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    If you are using a Chip then turn the chip off, if you installed by softmod, then you are gonna have to remove the softmod. Microsoft are not very nice to modders
  3. jabiggie

    jabiggie Guest

    the prob is i dont know how to remove the mod and i put a diff harddrive in so what do i do
  4. addicted2

    addicted2 Member

    Jan 10, 2006
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    do you still have the stock hdd from the xbox? if so put that one back in and remove the softmod from that one and just use it to play xbl. the only problem with that is if you want to use you 160 hdd you will have to change the hdd. i dont use xbl so i dont think you can use the modded hdd on xbl.



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