I am having trouble backing up my DVD's. sometimes they burn just fine, and other times at least 50/50 they say that the were created successfully but the DVD is 100% blank. I can try to reburn it with the same DVD disk and it will either do the same thing, saying it worked or it will really burn it and everything will be fine. I am not sure what in the world could be going on with this problem. I am using Maxel DVD-R disk, anydvd, clonedvd2 with nero software and a lite-on drive that is only around 4 to 5 months old. Does anyone have any clue why this drive is doing this? Is it time to buy a new one? Thank you very much for you help on this matter.
The Maxel disks if Made in Japan should be ok. The drive is too new to worn out, though it could be defective. Try updating your firmware. Try Some Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim disks.
Thank you for your relpy, I wanted to up date you guys on some info to figure this out. I buy from 3 to 5 DVD's a week and I back everyone of them up and watch the backup and keep the bought DVD in a glass case. I have a LARGE collection of DVD I had been buy for a long time. When my son started scratching some of them I went and bought a burner and software to start backing them up. Now I have burned over 2000 movies with this burner and it still reads disk perfectly, it will burn just fine 1 out a random 5 times and the other times it will say it burnt and completed the burn without problems but it will be a blank disk and it has not copied the disk. I have been using maxel disk, I then tried sony disk and verbatim disk and it does the same thing. The problem is it has not always done this. It use to work just fine, I backed-up a TON, I was thinking I had worn it out. Nothing on my computer has changed. I have unistalled the programs and reinstalled them and done everything I know to do. If anyone has any advice I would be very happy to hear it. Thank you.
Over 2000 in 4-5 months; you are busy! I don't know what the life cycle expectancy of a burner might be. Maybe it could be nearing that point? Have you tried opening the case and cleaning everything out? Could be dirty. I have heard that some people clean their laser with a q-tip and alcohol; although I have never tried that. Otherwise it might be time for a new burner? They are fairly inexpensive on Newegg.
I get similar problems with an ancient cd burner. I found that the focus servo was faulty randomly about 40% of the way through a test burn. Nero cd/dvd speed is a good test, it will report the error and at least give you some idea what it going on with a fail. Burners are so cheap now that I just buy a new one these days and keep the old one as a dvd rom if it still reads reliably. Also I have had bad experiences with lite-on drives in general..don't like them, there seems to be a very wide manufacturing spread between units that come into the shop.