i am modding and i have infinant ammo no reload and one of my friends say i can make my br never top shooting and realy fast he calld it a fully auto wepon he wouldnt tell me how to make it so can some one plz help me make it with dot halo i just need the human sniper rifle and the battle rifle to be fully auto just in case its different for the sniper and BR plz help i am desperate
H2x Map you want to mod First open the map you want to mod in H2x Now go down to the weapon you want to mod I will be modding the BR Now click Meta Editor Now it should look like this Now go to the Firing Type Tag Now look where it says Trigger ID Just change that to 0 0 is fully Automatic 1 is Semi Automatic 4 is for weapons that shoot in bursts Now go to the projectile tag Now change the Trigger Delay to 0 and change the Muzzle climb to 0 Now click on the Save Changes button then click the other Save Changes button Now you are done! I hope this help and please let me know this is not my tut