I want to make gc backups without using fantasy star, can someone tell me how to this. If there's no way please say so.
The only way to do it without PSO, is to use a modchip, or the Max Drive Pro method(at least, I think the Max Drive Pro method would let you rip). Easiest way is to get a modchip that has an onboard USB jack, with streaming capacity.
20 bucks? you'd be spending almost that much on the mini-DVDs themselves. Sorry, but it can't be done, unless you can find the stuff used on eBay or something. :/
Ok... Just because I want to follow this up, there is a way to do it without PSO, but it involves, as silver95 said, way more than 20 bucks. Modchips (they do work) cost around $80 if you get a good one that works (I prefer viper gc extreme) plus AT LEAST $20 for working discs. GC's are generally picky, and like really good brand discs.
No, just use the Action replay and SD adapter hack. I don't have a mod chip and I back up my GC games.
I have made many backups, but I have one that won't boot past licenced by Nintendo, and that is Splinter cell(the first one, not pandora)
Okay... The Action Replay Method does work, but my point is even that costs at least $50 or up. You still can't do it for $20.
Do you know how to get the GC Game Splinter Cell( the First one, the one with Progressive scan, not the pandora version)to boot, I have been trying and it won't boot. I have been Streaming it to the GC and only can get up to the Licened by Nintendo screen and then it goes black. I have tried it on DVDR and have gotten the same results.
As silver95 says, it may be protected, OR you may need to adjust your GC's POT level. If it's too high or low, copied games may not run very far.
I am able to play the original( own it, I just want to keep the original Safe so it won't get ruined)and I am able to stream Super Smash brothers and NFL 2k over to the GC with out any problems.I s there maybe a PPF that is needed to boot the game, or an edited boot file?
If you live in the US go to gamestop and buy the AR for GameCube($30) and then buy the SD Card adapter ($14.95) from http://www.jandaman.com/games.mvc?p=gcsdgecko&Category_code=GC and then all you have to do is download GCOS and some ISO (burn the ISOs to DVDR) and boot them. If you are going to use Mini DVDR, then you can take the money left and buy some.^_^ Thats what I did before I got the BBA Adapter.