I want to combine some video/audio from 2 separate DVD discs. What are the best methods to do this and what software is among the best for this? In the past, I've used IfoEdit to pick and choose which video/audio I wanted from individual VTS file sets by selecting the VobID numbers that contained what I wanted and producing a new VTS file set containing those VobIDs in sequence. But now, I need to do about the same thing, but use video from TWO vts sets (one is on one original DVD disc and the other is on another original DVD disc). I'm guessing that I could rip each of the two DVD disks and then copy the VTS file set I need from the first disc and also from the second disk to the same windows folder. At that point though, I have no idea how to use IfoEdit to create one new VTS set containing the VobIDs that I want from each of these two separate VTS sets. I haven't used IfoEdit to extract VobIDs in a long time, but from what I remember, it is setup to just extract VobIDs from a single VTS file set. I'm looking for advice on how to do this with IfoEdit or any other software that can do this if IfoEdit either cannot or is very difficult to setup to do this. Thanks for any advice!!!
The easiest way I can think of is to use PgcDemux to separate the the video/audio/subs then use MuxMan on the selected streams to create a new DVD. This assumes that the audio on both disks are the same length and match up with the video on either. Something similar: http://forum.videohelp.com/threads/...ene-release)?p=2121448&viewfull=1#post2121448