Hey people I have a Nintendo DS Lite and I was wondering if anyone knows how to mod it. If you do please tell me how and give me a good tutorial. If I do get a modded DS what extra features can I do? Please write back if you know how to mod a DS Lite. Thanks!
The only modification you could do is FlashMe, but it isn't even a requirement. In short, you don't need a modded DS Lite to load unsigned code, all you need is the right hardware. There are a few ways to go about playing back-ups and using homebrew. Either get a flash cart/adapter and a nopass or get a DS cart based flash cart. Examples of such flash carts and adapters are the G6 Lite, M3 Lite, EZIV Deluxe, and Supercard Lite. All of those would require a nopass such as Passcard3, EZPass, or Superkey. A few DS based flash carts are DS-X, Ninjapass, and DS Link. DS-X and Ninjapass are standalone, whereas the DS Link requires either a nopass or FlashMe. And for future reference, a nopass is a third generation PassMe. If you like, just read mr hanky's M3 guide (it's stickied) for more info on using an M3 to launch homebrew and games. It's the same concept for both the EZIV and Supercard whereas it's slightly different for the DS-X and Ninjapass.