How do I put two files together as one?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by militantx, Jun 2, 2006.

  1. militantx

    militantx Guest

    Burning a movie but it's in 2 separate parts, I use Nero, Clone Dvd, dvd shrink.

    thanks in advance.
  2. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    Here is a simple way but you won't have menus.

    Open Shrink and put in the second half of the movie.

    Reauthor and backup to a folder.

    Remove second half disc.

    Put in the first half.

    Reauthor but do not backup.

    On the right, open the file browser and find the second half.

    double click it and once you have it selected drag it's title 1 over to the left.

    You should now have something like this:
    Title 1
    Title 1 (2)

    Select the first half and then open the Set Start/End frames feature. (Opposing blue arrows.)
    Use this to trim away any unneeded frames at the end of the first half.
    Then do the same with the second half, trim away any unneeded frames at the beginning.

    What you want to do here is make a nice even join.

    Watch the movie with the preview window, looking at the joined area so you can get it correct as possible. You can always open the Set Start/End Frames feature and make adjustments.

    That should do it. Hopefully your movie is small enough for Shrink to compress without problems.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2006
  3. militantx

    militantx Guest

    the movie is in mpeg-3 format do I have to make 2 separate video ts and then use dvd shrink?
  4. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    why don't you use ConvertXtoDVD and add both files to the program ..... it will even give you menus if you want them! It will even burn to disk for you! Try their free version and see if it works for you. The free version has a watermark logo on the final results but at least you can see if it works for you! It's a great program!
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2006

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