I'm having trouble removing the part of the .ifo that prevents you from jumping to a specific time in a movie. I have Ifoedit and I open the .ifo files and click remove P-UPs but I guess it doesn't removing everything.
well i can't actually help with regard to that program asi have found that if you back up your movie with dvd shrink then the part that stops you from skipping it forward seems to not get put onto your backup copy =] its always been like that for me =] Or have you not backed it up from the original, in which case how have you managed to get it iwth that feature still on it? but ye like i said sounds like ur backing it up from the original so i would suggest using dvdshrink i highly recommend it =] Let me know if you get stuck o would like to know more, i'm more than happy to help if i can =] Chris
ANYDVD automatically removes them for you in the background so you could still back up your dvd however you normally did.
AnyDVD nor dvdshrink does not seem to work either. I still can't jump to another part in the movie. Thee dvd forces me to either rewind through the whole movie or goto the next chapter.
Hello. I don't understand what you mean by jumping to a specific part of the movie. The only way to do it is by skipping to the next/previous chapter or using fast forward or fast reverse. Explain in greater detail what you mean and I'm pretty sure people can help you.
Ok, you know like when you want to goto like 10 minutes into the movie you press goto on your dvd remote and enter 10 minutes. For some reason my dvd movie won't let me do that. Here's a screenhot: http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/8746/dvdscreenshotpo2.jpg See where it says TT time and Ch Time? I'm not able to use that. This is rare, with most dvd movies I'm able to goto a specific time into a movie.
Hello again. OK I understand what you getting at. I don't think that has anything to do with user prohibitions though. Are you sure you're entering the time correctly?
cant you maybe just edit the chapters on it then so there are more of them with less time between ech one so that its easier to find the part you want.
Hello Steven01. I don't know what's causing it because I use AnyDVD in the background and have no problems with this at all. I usually use DVD Shrink as well. Is it all backups or just a particular one? Since the original pressed DVDs allow this, I don't see how backing up a DVD could possibly alter it. Have you tried FreeDVD? http://www.cdr-zone.com/software/dvd_copy_protection_removal/freedvd.html