Ive got a modded xbox with evolution x and it says i can run my microsoft dashboard.i tried and i get error 21.I made sure i had the dash board with fxp and it was there and it wont run.Can someone Plez help?
Use your linux installer to restore the microsoft dashboard if you backed it up. Then find a linux file that doesn't involve installing a new Xbox dashboard.
You just need to edit your Evox .ini file because your MS dash default xbe was renamed when you made Evox your main dash. Look in your C folder for a file named msdash.xbe or olddash.xbe then add a menu item that triggers that .xbe file so that it takes you to the MS dash.
Go into C:\ make sure you see a file called "msdash.xbe" Now scroll down a bit in the evox.ini file (near top) it should say - MSDash - C:\msdash.xbe You could however, locate where the options on the dashboard are in .ini file eg. Play Game/Media and somewhere add in this line below : Item "Microsoft Dashboard",C:\msdash.xbe Add this line in where the dash options are, and it will show up oncee you save the ini file, transfer it back to overwrite, then reboot your xbox. -Mike
I could not get to playgames from media... can not find it . I tried tyhping it on the play games from hd but that would not work either.Is there another way , can i get more help?
Now My microsoft ashboard on the evox menu is gone . how do i get it back?.Also i have 3 dashboards evoxdashboard.xbe,msdash.xbe,and evox dash.xbe?How do i use these?
Now i figured it out, i remade the link by editing the ini file. its under play games from dvd... I also made 2 other links 4 the 3 dashboards i listed b4. On the xbox dash i get the evox sign and does not go away. for the microsoft dash i get error21 . should i download the dashs from the internet again and ftp them?
Get Slayer's 2.6 disc and reinstall your Xbox back to retail then use the exploit and redo your softmod with AID v3.0.
my xbox is broken remember .{i hope i said that i get error 16.} i cant read cd/dvds And cant get 2 dashboard . on computer when i try hotswapping it says its not lockable.