How do i set up a ftp from pc to xbox

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by midmac, Mar 29, 2005.

  1. midmac

    midmac Member

    Mar 29, 2005
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    I have xbox live connected by a crossover etherent cable directly to my pc. My xbox is not modded and i do not wish to mod it.

    Is there any way of transferring halo gamesaves which i have on my pc to my xbox with a ftp connection. I need a complete dummy guide as i have no experience in networking :(
  2. mdsup

    mdsup Guest

    the only way you can ftp is with a modded xbox...the xbox must be modded in some way.

    if you do not want to mod your box, just go buy a action replay...this is your only option for transfering game saves from the pc to the xbox...and you do it by way of memory card.
  3. midmac

    midmac Member

    Mar 29, 2005
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    if i softmod my xbox can i still use live?
  4. mdsup

    mdsup Guest

    i don't think so, but i am not sure....even with a modchip you can use xbox live...just disable the chip and it works fine, and you won't get banned as long as the chip is off, and you are using the stock hd.

    what version xbox do you have? if you have a 1.0-1.1 you can get it tsop flashed with a on off switch(for xbox live)...this will probably only cost you like 30bucks to have done.
  5. chunkles

    chunkles Member

    Mar 18, 2005
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    if you know someone with a modded box, have them transfer the saves to the xbox, from the xbox to a memory card, and just pop in the memory card into your unmodded box and youll be good to go

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