I tried to turn off IGR in the setting on EVOX and also in my apps Not sure the correct name but something like Xecuter Biox etc... It has a option to turn off the IGR hack but yet I still can do the In Game Reset. Its a hassle if Im having a good game against someone and were pressing buttons and it resets.....any help would be greatly appreciated
Go to the EvoX dashboard and go to system settings/system configuration. Scroll down to near the bottom, and it will say - In-game reset. Simply change it to "No" and choose save at the bottom. Incase you didn't know, the in game-reset function is activated by holding - "R-trigger, L-Trigger, back and black"which is what brings you back to the dashboard. -Mike
Yeah, I really know how to activate it! LOL! It has happened in the heat of a game a couple of times and it just pissed me off. I have went to the EvoX system settings/system configuration and turned it off and saved but Im still able to do the IGR. It happens with games on the HD and burned games but not original games.
Hmm have you tried editing the EvoX.ini file? Transfer it over from your Xbox, open it up with notepad and just above the [Network] section above is - IGR = Yes Simply delete "Yes" and replace it with "No" save it as EvoX.ini (remember to change it from "text documents" to "All files" on the drop-down box in the save dialog) Transfer it over and is should now be disabled! -Mike
Thanks, Ill try that when I get home. 1 problem, how would I do this if I am not FTPing? I havent yet and I just keep doing the burn to disk and transfer over.