Ok, i accidently formatted my drive E and i can't get any dashboard to load, not even the microsoft dashboard, So i can't reload the softmod program. How can i do this without getting on my dashboard? or is it possible? And i don't have a chipped xbox, mine is just a normal one, that i decided to softmod.
did you FTP the eeprom to your pc? if not i think your hdd is locked for good. you probally have an error code 13 or 21 at the top left right? well u may have to get a modchip and a hard drive to fix it I may b wrong If n e on else has suggestions please post.
when i formatted me E drive it erased all my backups. So i have nothing to go off of, except the backup from my friends xbox that i loaded on my computer. but it does me no good when i can't even ftp my xbox, cause it won't connect, cause i can't get on anything. Just the Xbox sign iwth the black background.
Does xbox still boot to MS dash? Does it still boot original games? What error code? Try to read here too http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/332766
it doesn't boot to any dash it still boots original games and it doesn't give me any error code it just starts up like it normally does, but it doesn't do anything once it gets to the xbox screen with a black background that pops up microsoft.
i don't have anything as far as dashboards or linux on my hdd. and i tried the hotswap, and it might just be me, and i'm pretty sure it probably is, but i couldn't get my computer to connect to my xbox hdd. it kept restarting and starting up like i formatted my computer drive. so nothing would come up. So i dunno what else to do. I can't really aford a chip, and even if i could, i probably still wouldn't understand what to do. So unless you got another idea for someone who really doesn't know what the hell he's doing, i think i'm S.O.L. as far as getting my dashboard back.
you did not connect it right. 2 IDE cable on PC: one is for pc's hdd, 2nd one is for xbox's hdd. Xbox's hdd and pc's hdd are on DIFFERENT IDE cable.
There are 2 IDE ports on motherboard: Primary and Secondary. So pc's hdd is on the Primary Ide cable and xbox hdd is on Secondary Ide cable.
yeah when i tried to hook it up like that i think it put my computer as secondary and xbox as primary. but i don't know how else i would do it. do i need to change anything in the computer setup? or is there anything special that needs to be done? ~Edit - Read next post!!!~
Am i supposed to use the cable that goes to my cd-rom drives... instead of the extra outlet on my hdd cable???
OMGGG I did the same thing! I need severe help, and Im a complete n00b. I installed the mods on the E drive nut I formatted the E drive so now all i get is the big green X with the white microsoft logo. I cant afford a chip and i dont know what im doing with computers, so if u can put it in n00b talk i would greatly appreciate it...