How do i use a "boot disc" on an xbox that does boot games and is it fixable Im getting an error 16- I think thats because something is corrupt with my dashboard.....
ive read that b4. i know what the numbers mean but i want to know how to if i can fix it when it does not boot games using a boot disc
Xecuter 2.6,Xecuter 3,Xenium S.P Ice any of those would work......they all come solderless if you dont like to solder.....
how would i put it in if its soderless and do they boot passed the clock check thing with the dashboard so i can boot games and then put linux on it and ftp a new dash to it
how much are they cause if its more than 30 then i might as well tade it into ebgames broken so i get 30 credit yes i checked u cant get that much for it and yes they take it