I wanna start making homebrew for gamecube but i dont know where to start. What Software would i need to start and where would i "get them."
Hi Im into the same as you I would recomend buying a QOOB pro chip or ViperGC (new version) install them, and then also buy Max Drive Pro from codejunkies.com the allowes for softmods but to get the best of both worlds you need both. I have Qoob Pro 1.3C BIOS Max Drive Pro Linux boot Im currently making a PS1/PSX emulatour for the Gamecube throug Linux. Then after that its OCing.
Yeah but u cant run a .exe file on the gamecube i know gamecube uses .dol but how do u get and exe to a .dol file thats what i want i can worry about the max drive pro later. and about that boot cd.
well find somewhere libogc, its gc homemade sdk. use google or maxconsole search, u dont find anything on this site.
i have the devkitpro but dont know how to config it for bloodshed devC++ compiler does anyone know how to set it up. i also heard about something dolphin sdk.
I recently downloaded devkitpro form the website but i dont know how to configure the Devkitppc part of it can someone tell me how to configure it with Visual Studio.net 2003 or Visual Studio or DEV-C++ or any other compiler for that matter.
Devkitppc IS the compiler. Coupled with msys which should have installed with the devkitppc setup, you should be able to open a cmd window, browse to a sample, and type make. The dol file will be generated. Visual Studio is only used for an SDK, and I would actually recommend getting programmer's notepad 2. Install the full devkitpro package, browse out to the gcn samples, and try compiling with the make command.
I dont know how to use the cmd that well. every time i want to use it i have to make a copy of it in the directory of the program i want to make and then run it. what are the steps.