first off, you need to know a few things. 1. What kind of mod are you wanting, Soft or Hard Mod? 2. If it's hard mod, what kind of chip are you looking at? I got the Xecuter 3 CE for my Xbox, and it is Highly recommended if Hard Modding your xbox. It works really well, but it's a little pricey. I got mine for 84 bucks, shipping included. 3. What version of Xbox do you have? You need to find out what version of Xbox you have, so that you can get the right chip. After you do all of this, I will probably be able to help more.
it's definitely a softmod because he's obviously a noob the way he's asking his question and bumping in 6 minutes
okay well since you think it's a softmod, you better ask someone else for help, because that is over my head. Happy Softmodding !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and if u want to put loads of games on ur HDD and play em without the disc, u need to upgrader your HDD like so from here have fun !