how do you add mods on ur new halo2 maps and transfer them to xbox?

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by xboxmod15, Dec 12, 2005.

  1. xboxmod15

    xboxmod15 Member

    Dec 5, 2005
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    how do you transfer you halo 2 new maps to xbox and how do you put moded files on halo2 new maps on ftp?
  2. TheFetus

    TheFetus Member

    Dec 12, 2005
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    First of all you need to make sure that your xbox is hooked up to a router that your computer is also hooked up to. then you need to use something like flash fxp and go to quick connect and put in your i.p. address (you can find your i.p. by going to the utils and settings and such). After you type in your i.p. you put xbox and xbox for your username and password. then you go to the E folder and then the Tdata then like $c and then there should be alot of folders with long numbers at the end of them and you chose the one that ends with 64 as the last two digits. then there are 3 folders left in each is a different map pack. open one for Warlock and Containment and another for Turf and Sanctuary/Delta tap. and another opens the newest 5 maps oh and Relic/Dune and Terminal/Triplicate are those maps. so after all that you finally put the ppf on the map and you take the ppf side off the computer and drag and drop it into the xbox side of flash fxp.
    Then after it is done downloading back on your xbox put halo 2 back in and try it out
  3. baseball3

    baseball3 Member

    Dec 15, 2005
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    do you need to have a modded xbox to use this? because im trying to connect with my i.p. address and xbox as username and password...and it wont connect.
  4. LabelMan

    LabelMan Member

    Dec 12, 2005
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    Yah baseball it needs to be modded in some way. I have only done soft mods. By the way once you got your mods you leave em in a folder on desktop. Using FTP you gotta get the fresh maps to your computer. I suggest DotHalo to apply the patch. Then in Dothalo you click fix encryption to get it to work on xbox. The ftp the back to same folders and must overwrite the maps on your xbox.

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