I was trying to flash my drive. I used dvd decrypter to locate the update. But the prob is a cmd window pops up and asks for a floppy inserted into the a drive. Whys that?
because the flash update might have to be on a floppy disk to work. what did the instructions say on to use the update??
http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_result.php?kaj=1&isces=HL-DT-ST+GDR8163B Here is the page with the update. I am trying the hp listed cause I have 0bi5 in there now and it looks like there is a newer firmware.
with the hp firmware i used, i burnt the isos to cd and restarted the pc with the cd in the drive windows detected it and installed from there, but yes you can use a floppy disk drive as well but you get instuctions with the firmware to