How Do you Get The Zlob/Trojan Horse Virus? Or It Gets Into Youre Computer Some how From E-mail? or what? So i can Aviod From Getting Deeze kinda Viruses Again/
THERE ARE a lot OF ways. If you want to keep your system clean, This is what yopu need to do. 1)- Install a firewall. 2)- Install an anti-virus program. 3)- Install windows defender (free), from microsoft's website. 4)- Update definations and run scan daily, (You can set an automatic rime so that it runs, when you are not actively using the computer.) 5)- Keep all windows security updates up to date as well. These daily steps will reduce your chances of infection by a lot. All of these are available as free alternitives, You can search the forums as it has been covered before, (The list of free internet security solutions.) Cheers!
Also im having Problmes with this Myzor Virus It Wont let me get my regular homepage back... And i dont know what to do i Used almost most of the Sofware out there but nothing.. How do i get my regular HOME PAGE BACK!