I have dabbled with a program I got free on a magazine disk called Iconforge. Quite fun. Take a look at this site it has loads of links to freeware for icon editing. http://www.sharewareconnection.com/software.php?list=Icon+Freeware Have fun
wow theres so many which one is good if u wanna like make ur icons in photoshop and then somehow convert them to a icon format..
To be perfectly honest, I haven't looked at iconforge for quite a while and then I only dabbled. I'm not what you call creatively minded, it was just one of those free progs that appears on a magazine cover from time to time. From what i remember it was rather easy to create an icon, but there my mind goes blank. I'll have to locate the disc and give it another try. As to the others on that site, try downloading a few of the free ones and giving them a whirl. Just install and delve under the hood and have fun.