Hey, I know how to get the media codes for media... But my question is how can i test the actuall quality of this disc?? Is this possible... it must be! Cheers alex
Nero CD/DVDSpeed, KProbe, or DVDInfoPro, and playability on my equipment. I keep firmware updated, I do not multitask, I use quality media and consistent burn speeds, so, I just do random scans...
After the burn: the programs teflonmyk posted will tell you,along with plextools.Depends on what drives you have and the tools that they are compatable with: Lite-on: Kprobe Plextor: Plextools Before the burn: Drives like the benq 1640 and 1650 have a test called qtest which is part of qsuite 2.0 and 2.1. Qtest won't show errors,but it'll tell you if it can burn at the speed you select.Then take the speed up and see how qsuite shows if it can burn or not. Takes 2 mins or so per speed. For me,going by dvdinfopro and nero speed test results:the real test for the quality of backups is when you try to re-rip them back to your harddrive. If you can get it there-using your normal backup process,then they are ok.If you get a crc error during the rip,then something is wrong with that backup. Simply re-rip a backup copy to your harddrive.This will reveal: Media quality Burner quality You can abort the burn,just make sure you can get them back onto your HD.Then delete files.