i have xbox media center on my modded xbox with evolution x on it but its a old version and i need a new one how would i do that?
http://bt.xbox-sky.com you have to register, it's free it's a torrent site. if you don't know how to use torrents. www.google.com
I just got XBMC the updated one I think and I wana add it on the default menu like as soon as you turn it on you can choose it there but i got two of them on here the first is on the default screen and the second one is the one that is updated on the F:/ drive in apps and i dont want it there so how do i add it where the main menu is at?
WHAT??? what I get from your post is that you now have 2 XBMC options under your apps menu. go into either e:\apps or f:\apps and delete the version that you did not just put on your system
thats the thing i didnt put it there the old was already there on the xbox the second which is better i added on the f:/ drive.
look around on the e: drive it has to be there somewhere. I would check e:\apps and g:\apps if you have that. it has to be there