I have a 256Kbit Up/Down connection. The max. download speed i've ever got is 32KBps. Now look at these two images and tell me what just happened
well for the first one, 79.13 X 79 seconds = 6251.27, and for the second one 83.08 X 27 seconds = 2243.16, so I'm not quite sure what it is you are confused about...the average DL speed to filesize ratio maths adds up perfectly...
What i'm confused about is that a 6.0+ mb file will take 3 full minutes on a 32KBps line. Same way, a 2MB file will take 1 full minute, or atleast 50 seconds on a constant speed of 32KBps from start to end.
That just means that when you downloaded before you weren't using the line's full capacity, and now you where. I don't see what's so strange about that.
Well, the strange thing is that I have a 256 KBit line, which I have mentioned above. So I assume that you already know that 256 KiloBits = 32 KiloBytes, right? When you say full capacity, you do know that 32KBps was the full capacity, which I have got, right? I'm not complaining , I just want to know that how did a 6MB file download so quickly.
You do realise that speeds fluctuate on DSL and ADSL lines, right ? Could easily have gone up to 35-40 kB/s, which would make it possible. Not to mention things like rapidget, flashget and the like work different that a direct download. Not gonna go into the whole explanation, check their site for it.
Well, I have neither a DSL nor an ADSL line. My connection works through a LAN network, that goes upto my ISP. And even if it fluctuates, does it fluctuate beyond the maximum limit too? What site?
Flashget's site. Fluctuations *at least with me* usually push a few kB's over the supposed limit. On paper, my connection is 800kB/s down - 100kB/s up, but it usually hits around 870kB/s down and 110-120kB/s up. As for your connection, are you on dial up then? If not, you're on a cable or an (a)dsl connection. *or maybe satellite, but that seems out of the question* There's no way that you are in direct connection to an ISP through anything else (like say, T1)if you're getting such low speeds, even college campusses get one T1 line per room these days.
Well, If you think that there is any way of getting 256Kbps of speed on a dial up, then yes, that might be I connect to my ISP via a LAN network. My PC has an etnernet card, which takes an ethernet (RJ-45?) cable upto a 'cable operator'. That cable operator then connects to my ISP, in what way, I have no idea. So as far as I know, the source can be anything, DSL, Satellite, but certainly not ADSL, as only one ISP in my area is allowed ADSL. Anyway, thanks for the info, The_Fiend. So I assume that such a type of fluctuation is completely normal then?
Take several phone lines, special modem, and presto, 256 on a dial up connection... They had a name for that atually... but i forgot it. And in the end, yes, it seems possible, not to mention flashget has it's own way of downloading stuff faster than it should, again, check their site for how it works, not my field of work.