Without starting a new thread, I'd like to know, What component is the time limiting factor in converting avi's to mpeg2? The cpu? memory? If I went to a 64bit cpu, would that speed up the process? Going from mpeg to dvd is fast. The Avi to mpeg is taking a long time.
The CPU and the encoder you use are the only two factors. Some encoders are just tediously slow, others are blazingly fast.
Thanks. I'm finding 'Ultra avi converter' to be much faster than 'Cucusoft', although Ultra doesn't correct the audio and I'm having to transcode it back to 48Hz.
I wouldn't class ultra avi and cucusoft as good encoders. Audio should always be done separately anyhow, as most authoring programs prefer elementary streams.
What would you say is a first place encoder and then the one under it? I'm using DVDLab and I like it. Is there something better? How about hardware encoders. What would you recommend?
DVDLab is not an encoder, it's an authoring app. Canopus Procoder is probably the best, with Mainconcept runing a close second, possibly tied with CinemaCraft Basic. Tmpgenc is a distant third.