How many MP3's allowed on a disc

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by stoffies, Apr 24, 2005.

  1. stoffies

    stoffies Member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    I recently received a second hand SANSUI RZ-3015AVD but not user's manual. I want to know how how many MP3's I can put on a CD/DVD and in how many folders?

    Any other way of storing your MP3's on DVD other than burning as data.
  2. WesleyHes

    WesleyHes Member

    Feb 19, 2004
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    The number of MP3 tracks on a disc is determined by their combine size and the capacity of the disc.

    Figuring with a 4MB per track size that would work out to:

    650MB CD / 4MB = 163
    700MB CD / 4MB = 175
    4700MB DVD / 4MB = 1,175

    There usually isn't a limit on the number of folders (maybe 255 if any) but you should be more concerned with how many your stand alone MP3 player can recognize and how many tracks allowed per folder. At least some stand alone DVD/MP3 players I know of have limits as to the number of folder they support, the depth of sub folders and the number of tracks in each folder (mainly for DVDs).

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