I have a Pionner A04 from my previous computer. My new computer came with a Generic AOmega DVD-R drive. All is working fine with the new drive and Nero 6. However, when I try to slave the Pioneer so I can basically utilize it another DVD drive, the drivers get all mixed up and nither drive is recognized. Unplug the Pioneer and all is fine again. I have tow hard drives. should I put one hard drive and one DVD-R on the same cable rather than having both hard drives one 1 cable and bothe DVD-Rs on 1 cable?? -- thanks.
To add on, when I am in Device Manager looking at the hardware list. When I have the generic hooked up it shows as "Generic 8X DVD-RW". When I have only the Pioneer hooked up it shows as "Pioneer A04 DVD-RW". When they are both on the same IDE cable it displays "P%o#8%4 D&&-%" or something garbled like that, and neither drive works...