So far, the Discdump/Fireburner has been acclaimed as the most reliable method to backup latest versions of Safedisc (e.g. 2.8+). You can get the software here: Fireburner: Discdump: Discdump Windows Frontend: Please note that [bold]Fireburner 2.17 needs to be purchased to be able to write CDs[/bold], so we will only stick to [bold]Fireburner 1.06[/bold] (for testing purposes). ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Step 1 - Installation ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Unzip all packages in one directory, say C:\DDUMP. You should have the following files: - DDump.exe - DDump_frontend.exe - FireBurner.exe - xaudio.dll (needed for FireBurner) Run [bold]DDump_frontend.exe[/bold]. At first, it will ask you to locate the file DDump.exe: Click on 'Locate disc dump' button and select the Discdump executable file. Click 'Open': After loading the file, click 'OK' ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Step 2 - Image Dumping ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Now select the CD-Unit you want to use for reading. Usually [bold]CD-Writers are better[/bold]. Select 'Safedisc' option and click 'Start Disc Dump' Give the image file a name and press 'Save' to start the extraction. At the end of the process you'll have two files, an .ISO image and its .CUE file (please note that, actually, the .ISO file is a ISO/2352 image file, that is 1:1 equivalent to a CRDWin .BIN file or a CloneCD .IMG file). ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Step 3 - Image Burning ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Start Fireburner 1.06. Click on 'Visual cue burner': Right-click on the main window and select from the popup menu 'Load Track from .CUE': Load the .CUE file Right-click again on the main window and select Burn/Test Burn Select Disc-at-Once, [bold]unselect[/bold] 'Test Burn' and 'Multi-session' checkboxes and then OK to start burning!
Isn't he good? Very nice guide m8! I've read the same info as well, but have yet to test this method. Alcohol 120% work just fine for me, but remember my Polaroid (picture perfect) burner is a Safedisc 2.8.x butta' cutta', lol. Shoey
I need help with the DDump_frontend.exe, when I click "Start disc dump" I get a window saying "Your ASPI32 layer is totally outdated! Please update it to at least 4.56." What should I do?
Download ForceASPI and use it to install Adaptec Aspi 4.60.
Thanks for this guide, it is very useful for people like me Anyway when I reached the stage where you have to select disc at once I didn't have that option I only have something like track at once or something? What did I do wrong? Does this muck up the CD... thanks
hi your burner may not have the function for DAO? is it an older burner? i had a plextor 12/10/32a but shoey said its not good for new types of coping so i took his advice and now i have a 2 sheep liteon 52/24/52 very nice burner too! thx.......
And to think that members don't take my advice (hehe). Glad you like the Litey LTR 52x Rotary. I hope you still have that Plexy 12x model handy because according to the BlindWrite Suite team, the latest BlindWrite 4.4.0 is "supposedly" able to backup Safedisc 2.8.x-2.9.x with a "1 sheep burner" (EFM encoding). Shoey
hi shoey, yes i still have the plexy! but can i do the safedisc 2.8 2.9 on the litty? i dont know about you but all these parts i swap on the comper end up a growing sized box! got bits all over - LOL... trying to find a nice DVD burner to add but prices seem heavy at the moment? know any good cheaper internet stores? Thx........
Roatary, Your litey can backup Safedisc 2.8.x- 2.9.x and many other cd protections as well (audio). If you have an extra bay to spare maybe you can hook-up your Plexy and do some testing with the latest BlindWrite 4.4.0 and give us some feedback to confirm if BlindWrite Suite 4.4.0 can backup Safedisc 2.9.x with a 1 sheep burner (EFM encoding)? The image [bold] must be read [/bold] with your burner., FireBurner writes RAO DAO 16/94/96. Shoey
I have a AOPEN CD-RW CRW3248 and yes it's not exactly new. Does that mean I can't do the overriding safedisc v2.8 thing... maybe another method then? Thanks for the info
lilterror, Use the latest BlindWrite Suite 4.4.0 and read the image(s) of Safedisc 2.8.x-2.9.x with your burner. Choose read alternative method (nibble) and choose DAO pw in the write process. Use ClonyXXL to scan pc games to determine what version of Safedisc is on the cd m8. BlindWrite 4.4.0: ClonyXXL: Use [bold] NO [/bold] emulation and play the backup in your burner and see if the Safedisc protected cd will install and play. In the dump image process (read image), you should see ecc errors and "gap found", resetting configuration. Your AOPEN CD-RW CRW3248 is considered a "1 sheep" burner (EFM encoding) and can write regular bit patterns [bold] almost [/bold] correctly. If you succeed with the latest BlindWrite 4.4.0 backing up Safedisc 2.8.x-2.9.x then the days of buying a "2 sheep burner" are over? I dunno.. (hehe) [bold] DO NOT [/bold] make posts on this thread concerning internet downloads of any file formats(Iso, Bin& Cue) that are Safedisc 2.8.x-2.9.x. This is [bold] strictly [/bold] dealing with backing up the "original" image of the Safedisc protected cd. Make those posts in the sub forum CD-R section. Shoey
hi hey shoey i would love a bash at safedisc 2.8 or 2.9 BUT! i dont have any brand new games DOH! but i do have a spare slot for the plextor, i think what would be a good idea if we havent already got it is, start a tread list of games and what protections are on them! say a safe~ 2.8 games thread... and a safe~ 2.9 games thread... and list the games as i have no idea? what games are 2.8 or 2.9 or anything? i remember the sims was safedisc something when it came out! if i new then i could have a sort through and try some with this new program BlindWrite 4.4.0 let us know on the threads thing! Thx.......
Safedisc 2.8 cd protected games: 1) Command& Conquer Generals (CD 1 only protected). 2) Sim City 4 (Both cds protected). 3) The Sims Unleashed (CD 1 only) Eventually I'll add a "sticky" with Safedisc 2.8-2.9 cd protected game titles but will need support from forum members. Shoey ___X_X_X_X_X_[small]Certified Computer Technician Forum Rules ------------------------------------------------ Mobo: KT4VL MSI-6712 CPU: AthlonXP Barton 2.5 Ram: 512 SD-DDR333 HD: Maxtor ATA\133 80gi[/small]
hi hey shoey i can try these games hitman 2 and ravenshield but would you know what protection is on these? 2.8 2.9 ? also what is the best program to use blindwrite for plexy drive and what for litty? say alcohol? not sure what version alcohol i got though? Thank you_._X_X_X_X_X_[small]XP 1700 TBred [Fan 28-Idle/32-Load/23M] [o/c 2004mhz = 12X167/33 = FSB-334mhz] A7V8X SATA150/RAID [Bios 1011] HERCULES 3D PROPHET [9700 Pro] DX9/CAT-3.1 VIA 4in1 Hyperion v445] XMS Corsair Platinum pc3500 512meg[/small]
Rotary, Ravenshield is Safedisc 2.8.x cd protected but use ClonyXXL to be 100% sure. If it is, then you would use the latest BlindWrite release and your Plexy to make a backup and play the backup in your Plexy without any emulation to see if the game will and play. I've read at other forums BlindWrite must be installed in order to play the backup and somehow Alcohol 120 causes conflicts when trying to play your backup so if you have Alcohol 120 installed, uninstall for now as this is juat a test. You [bold] must [/bold] read the image of Ravenshield(CD 2) with your Plexy and choose "authorize the use of alternative read method" and choose nibble (read max).See if you detect in the image read process "gap found" and how many ecc errors reported. Now insert a cdrw (if you have any) and in the write processs, choose DAO pw mode. Be sure you install the "original" game first before trying to play your backup.If successful, then try again on a cd-r and this time try and install the game from a cdrw and cd-r and see if you encounter any errors in the install process. Reports at other forums show burning to a cdrw is a success, but to a cd-r? As far as the most recommended programs to backup Safedisc 2.8.x-2.9.x? Alcohol 120 and DiscDump\FireBurner are the most recommended. Paddus DiscJuggler can get the job done as well but a "sophisticated" burning program m8. Shoey __X_X_X_X_X_[small]Certified Computer Technician Forum Rules ------------------------------------------------ Mobo: KT4VL MSI-6712 CPU: AthlonXP Barton 2.5 Ram: 512 SD-DDR333 HD: Maxtor ATA\133 80gi[/small]
hi thx for that! i wont get the game till tommorow night! would you know what Hitman 2 game is shoey? is that 2.8 i can try that too! if i use the litty also which out of those programs would you recommend to try first? and any settings to watch out for? oh and on the ocing! very nice website ;-]) cheers.....
Rotary, Hitman 2 is SecuROM cd protected but not sure what version. I'm asking as a favor if you'll use your Plexy to try and make a successful backup of Ravenshield using the latest BlindWrite 4.4.0 to see if a "1 sheep" burner can backup Safedisc 2.8.x-2.9.x without emulation. Again, try to backup to a cdrw first, then to a cd-r and later post your results. Your Litey (butta cutta) can backup both of these games easily and your Plexy 12x should be able to backup Hitman 2 with no problems? <Maybe test to confirm as I believe the Plexy can,(without any emulation) lol. Shoey _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Certified Computer Technician Forum Rules ------------------------------------------------ Mobo: KT4VL MSI-6712 CPU: AthlonXP Barton 2.5 Ram: 512 SD-DDR333 HD: Maxtor ATA\133 80gi[/small]
hi yes no problem i will get the game and try cdrw i have a couple! and i can try cdr too! might need a hand on these setting tommrow night! do you have msn at all and would youmind if i added you to mine? Thank you - check your Private messages!