Hello, I am a major newbie and I know there are guys on this, people are saying ifo edit... Some are saying dvd shrink, Dvd-rb and toons of other crap... But all I wanna know is how to burn GoodFellas onto one dvd. It's 2 sided... And I don't want menus, i just want the main movie to play seamlessly... I don't need anything else... And I can't understand the phrases, Vob. IFO none of that stuff.. So if you know of any REALLY REALLY easy to use tuturials that would be great... The way I usually burn Dvds is using dvd shrink and it compresses it and just makes 1 big image file... But, now that this disc is double sided I run into a problem... So keep in mind, i know nothing about anything. I just want the simplist easiest way to make a 2 sided dvd fit on to 1 4.5 gb disc. OR whatever... Thank you, -David Skyler