I created an image of a disc I have that is protected with SecuROM 4.8.x protection. I read Shoey's articles on burning copies of discs protected using this protection but he only talked about using CloneCD or BlindWrite. Could I mount the image virtually and then create a clone image from the bin/cue image? Please help me.
hi not sure what the outcome you need is? but blindwrite is a beast for this job! easy to use - great tool... Thx...
hi so? if i dump an image from a game to bin/cue there is no protection in it? and its useless? Thx..
Not true m8 as I've made a backup of a backup of SecuROM 4.8.3. Key herte is to read the image (backup) with settings "read sub-q channel data\audio". Trial and error here m8. Mount the image using NO emulation and see if you can install\play the game. Why would you wan't to create a CloneCD (.ccd) from a virtual stealth drive file when you already created one?(or downloaded) The most recommended program to do this is by using BlindWrite Suite 4.25+ BWA file. CloneCD\TwinPeaks is an alternative method. Shoey