i have magic iso maker (full), DVD decrypter, Nero (full with add-ons) and convertXtoDVD. and i am not able to burn an ISO image to a DVD disc and make it play in my DVD player, how would i do this?? please suggest ways and other programs if i need them also if this has already been discussed sorry, but could you please link me then?, thanks
I would assume your using convertXtoDVD to convert AVI files to DVD(IFO,BUP,VOB) Files. You can use Nero to burn those files that are created with convertXtoDVD to a DVD disc. There is no need to use magic iso maker to make an ISO file to burn. Start Nero Burrning Rom and folow the directions below. --------------------------------------------------------------- For the 1st step below go to the folder that convertXtoDVD has outputed the converted (IFO, BUP, VOB) Files.
No it converts 1 video file type to another. I just assumed you where converting an AVI file to DVD compatible files with convertXtoDVD and using magic iso maker to create an ISO. Then used DVD Decrypter or Nero to burn the ISO file. I would assume you are not setting up magic iso maker to make a comaptible ISO for the DVD. Which I have never used the program so i would'nt be able to tell you what your doing wrong. That is why I suggested using the files that convertX2DVD outputted to use those in Nero folowing the instructions above. Maybe you can give a step by step example of what you are doing.
right, i started off with a .bin file, i converted that to a .iso file, now i wish to convert that to a DVD format file for burning to a disc. can you help??
If it is a Bin file then more then likly you have downloaded a VCD or SVCD file of a movie. Which are ment to burn onto CD's not DVD's. Then what you need to do is download a program like ISOBuster and extract the content of the BIN file. Then find the video file and convert that with ConvertXtoDVD. Is this an VCD or SVCD movie?
pretty sure its VCD, is isobuster freeware??? or does the trial version (if there is one) allow full capabilities??
It is shareware. You have limited function with the trial version. But you don't need the full function of the program to extarct a BIN file. You might just want to think about burrning the bin file onto a CD-R and play that on your DVD player/ Most DVD players will play VCD or SVCD movies. If you want to try to extarct the file with ISO Buster then the link below is where you can download it. http://www.isobuster.com/isobusterdownload.php
I have a similar case also where I have a bin file no cue file. So I used a program and extracted the ISO file. So are you saying I need to use ISO buster as well. My goal is to put 2 files on a DVD disk. but using the iso buster are you saying that I should put the files on a CDR and since each file is over 500. I will need 2 disks for each one because my CDR's are only 700. I do appreciate your help Thanks
If these are bin files of a VCD or SVCD then Yes you will need 2 CD-R disc if you have 2 BIN files. Part 1 and Part 2. Or you can use ISOBuster and open the BIN file. You then should see multipul folders. The video file is in the "MPEGAV" folder. The video file should have a name simialer to "AVSEQ.DAT". You will want to extarct that video file from the bin file. Do this for both BIN files (If you have 2 diffrent bin files wich is 2 parts of a movie) then you can use a program like Nero Vision Express to convert the video files to DVD format for burrning to DVD.
I just want to check with you and see if this is correct. I ran the ISO buster and found AVSEQ01.DAT 425.61mb. When I click back on the folder where this file is it comes up looking like a Nero ShowTime File. Do I still put this on seperate CDR's using Nero now and burn like normal? And then it should play on my standalone DVD player. Wow I've never done it this way before kinda cool. Always willing to learn-see us 'ol folks can learn a new trick LOL Thanks again for your time!
You can burn the BIN file to CD-R and play it as a VCD if your DVD player suports VCD (There is no need to extract anything from the BIN file if you are going to burn it to CD-R). The only reason you would extarct the AVSEQ01.DAT from the BIN file is if you want to convert the file to a DVD complient disc. You could use ISO Buster to open up the first BIN file and go to the folder that has AVSEQ01.DAT in it. Now extarct that file. Since this is a 2 part movie you might want to rename the AVSEQ01.DAT file to something like MOVIENAMEPART1.DAT. Now open up the second BIN file in ISO Buster and extract that AVSEQ01.DAT file and rename it MOVIENAMEPART2.DAT (All you have to do is open the BIN file in ISO Buster then go to the MPEGAV folder and then right click on the AVSEQ01.DAT file and choose extarct in the menu that pops up. In some casses when I do this I will get a read error. If I get a read error I right click on the AVSEQ01.DAT file again and choose to extarct raw data which is at the bottem of the pop-up window) Now you will have 2 files that you have extracted from the 2 seprate BIN files. Part 1 and Part 2 of the movie. You now can import those into nero vision and make a compatible DVD of the movie joining the movie into 1 part which you can then burn to DVD blank media. Below is a guide on how to use Nero Vision Express. After choosing to make a DVD-Video in Nero vision just import the 2 DAT files into it to convert. Just follow the guide that I have linked below. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/272946
Thank-you so much for your help. You were right and when I used Nero Express I then could burn the files both on a DVD. That was great and thank-you for showing me that guide-I book marked it-I will use it again and again!