I just downloaded a full dvd and can't figure out how to burn the entire thing, menu and all. First thing is its a .bup file and cant get it to burn with nero. Any help or programs that are capable of these files would be great. Thanks guys.
snoland, I am confused......whats the difference in (A) going out and buying a DVD and copying it for back up and (B) downloading it and making DVD and using for personal use. Isn't it illegal to copy DVD regardless of what it is used for??
i beleve that you are right, but if "The Man" comes in your house see that you have a copy and the original you can say it was so your kids didnt scratch the original. if you just have copy only that means someone sold it to you cause you dont have the original, so that means it was pirated.
It all depends if you have bought the DVD. If you have bought it then you have the right to have a backup copy of it. If you have not bought the DVD then you have no right to make a backup of it (Piracy) Of course the laws are diffrent in each country. In the USA it is legal to make a backup copy of your DVD under the fair use act. But it is agaisnt the law to use programs that cercumvent the copy protection. So I would figure downloading the DVD if you have a copy of it should be the best way to go. Since you did not have or use the copy protection surcumventing program yourself. It is kinda a double edge sword. They say under the fair use act you have the right to protect your advestment by making copys of your DVD's. But once you use that program (AnyDVD, DVD Decrypter, RipIt4Me etc etc) you are breaking the law in the united staes. So I guess the next question before you get help is. Is this a DVD you have bought and have a ligit copy of?
The judge in the 321 case specifically said you do not have the right to a digital copy of a DVD under any Fair Use rulings.
Just because a judge says it dosent mean it is correct. Under the Fair Use Act you have the right to make copys of your DVD's. The judge said the program was illegal due to the curcumventing part of the program. The reason that 321 had to stop producing there program in the USA is because of the ripper that was included with the program. Which vilotated US laws about programs that curcumvent copy protection. Shortly after this rulling 321Studios produced a program without the ripper which they did sell at BestBuy. I have no idea if they still sell it in stores now but at 1 point they did. The diffrence is they took out the ripper and just kept the transcoding program.
So, getting back to snoland.......I dont think it is cool to tell tallard03 that piracy is not supported here and not help out when people are being helped out with issues regarding AnyDVD and Rip4me etc etc. Just doesn't seem fair in any way.
@HelpPleas That is the reason for no help. If he has downloaded the movie and does not own it then it is Piracy which is agaisnt the forum rules. Getting help with making a backup of your DVD that you own is not agaisnt the rules. Which is why you see other people getting help on liget backup questions. I asked him in my above thread if he owned the DVD that he downloaded. He has not replyed to that question so evedently he isnt that interusted in getting help.
yes, but they are getting help with programs that are illegal to use, therefore being helped to perform an illegal act. its saying its ok to do this illegal activity but not this one.
There are no lawyers or legal representatives here ad AD, these discussion have been going on forever and always end in an arguement. Request this dead horse be closed.
locoeng, i have never had this discussion on here before, i would like to hear what others have to say. you do not have to participate if you do not want to. not being smart.
Well, I looked into this a little more and it seems that HelpPleas is correct. Reading the rules here: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487 I see this: "5. -> PIRACY AND LINKING TO PIRATED MATERIAL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED, YOUR ACCOUNT WILL BE FROZEN IF YOU DO THIS <-" As well as this: "Case examples regarding rule number five (5). No piracy." Example given that applies: "Case: Discussion about pirated content and piracy, such as converting (downloaded) video and/or audio files to DVD/AudioCD/whatever format. PERMITTED" So I do apologize for my original post.
I won't, if you want to see the other threads use the search function. I'm not trying to be smart either, but this thread is going no where fast.
Yup, nice to see someone come clean. BTW, my request to have the thread closed wasn't because of the original question, but rather the direction the thread is heading. i.e. piracy and interpreting the legality of actions and the use of certain programs to bypass copy protection. If you are interested in DMCA and Fair Use...have a look here.