I am new here... I whould like to know how to burn Final Fantasy VIII CD 1... With Nero it gives an error??!??
Well... My CD-RW recorder is something like this: HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8520B (This is what appears in the device manager?!?) When I try to burn in Nero, on the part that Nero is reading the CD in the middle of the process it gives the error. The error is like: Error reading data Burn process failed
The problem I guess is probably something to do with the fact that in Nero appears in the bigging this: The CD is copyrighted I don't know how to break a copyrighted??!??
1. We cant talk about breaking copy protections. 2. You cannot burn a protected game using Nero (for obvious reasons) ... the same applies to EasyCDCreator and other proggies like that. 3. You need to determine the copy protection present on the CD. For that you will need a little program called ClonyXXL. ClonyXXL is pretty much the de-facto basic cd protection scanner and allows users to determine the protection scheme used on a game. For ClonyXXL to work properly, one needs to have a properly installed ASPI layer (for more information regarding ASPI, see http://cd-rw.org/articles/archive/aspisetup.cfm). ClonyXXL can be downloaded from http://www.cd-rw.org/software/cdr_software/cdr_tools/clonyxxl.cfm