Burning with the Nero or Decrypter is the quickest method in this case. The ISO has been transcoded to fit the target size. You just put the file in the burn program and go. However Jetster's somewhat novel approach will work. It would be good for files that have to be transcoded. Some programs won't handle ISO unless they are loaded in an emulator. That is my normal route. However with the files unloaded to the Video_TS folder, it gives those who want to edit the files to work with. Jetster gets points for ingenuity. First time I'd heard of using WinRAR to extract the files from an ISO video file. It took about 6 min on a P4 at 2.8GHz for a DVD-5 size file (a little over 4GB). So look at extraction times accordingly. _X_X_X_X_X_[small][bold]'brobear'[/bold] [/small]