I downloaded a movie from limewire and i want to burn it on a cd but i dont know how. Do i need any programs or stuff. PLz help me.
First up you are going to need a program that can convert and burn such as Nero, try the Nero site for a demo version, heres how I burn my movies using NeroVision You will probably have to use a DVD http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_jump.cfm/356114/2104525
gwendolin is saying that you have to convert these movies into a format that a dvd player can read before putting it onto a disc. yes you can put a movie onto a cd, called a vcd (video cd) or svcd (super video cd). problem is that not all dvd players read vcd's. playstation 2, xbox and alot of dvd players will not read them. the link gwendolin gives explains step by step how to use nero to put one of those movies onto a dvd blank disc, not a cd blank disc. i usually use a dvd-r disc, which can be bought at office depot, staples, etc.
Hi i have also tried using a dvd disk and CD-R disk, but the burning process doesn't occur. I have also used the nero demo. How would i transfer the file to nero thanks
if the movie came in AVI, you can always create a DIVX movie which will only be playable on a PC or a DVD player that supports DIVX or you can convert them into a DVD using ConvertXtoDVD also, if you want to see the movie on a DVD player you have to burn them using DVD-R for best results
hey gwen, havent seen u around for a while ^_^ ok down to buisness, to ge the video files from lime wire on to CD u will need 1. A blank DVD-R or DVD+R (i prefer DVD-R) 2. The video file ur burning to DVD must be in a format that the program ur burning it with can recognise it (Avi is usualy the most recognisable) 3. A program to burn the video file to DVD with (i use Nero6) 4. *optional* If the file u want to burn is unrecognisable, then u will need a program to convert it to the right format ( i dont yet have a program to do this so i cant recomend any) first u oen up nero6 and go create DVD video then when it brings up the next windo, go Add video fies and browse through ur junk untill u find the file(or files) u want to burn to DVD then click it/them and go ok. it shold have a list of added files to burn and the one u just picked should be on it. then to the right theres all kinds of crazy editing options but we dont need those right now, so click next and go untill it the next botton is replaced with Burn then if ur satisfied, insert the blank DVD and hit Burn. *WARNING* make sure u do not have any other programs running while u r burning something, if u do ur burner program will not have enough memory for its buffer and ur DVD will turn out with gliches and errors so turn off all ur programs.
Hi i have also had the same problem. I have done all the stages you recomend but it says that the video file is to large for the DVD disk. How would i make the video fit on the dvd disk. Im not sure im new to the nero demo version. thanks