How to burn subtitles in a DivX file

Discussion in 'DivX / XviD' started by FelipeRio, Mar 29, 2003.

  1. FelipeRio

    FelipeRio Guest

    Hello there everybody.

    I found out how to burn subtitles in a DivX
    First of all,the main reason why I was looking for that is:
    When encoding DivX to SVCD using DVD2SVCD and using the option "Add external subtitle",I wasn't very happy with the subtitles display in the resulting SVCD.They were not very visible,clear.Then I started to decrease the subtitles sizes to 70% and using that box around the letters set at 8 or 9,in black color.This way they were visible all right.Depending on the video I was choosing yellow or white for the font colors).
    But what I really wanted was to get them "like DVD subtitles"in the resulting SVCD.You know,like them yellow subs,with outline and shadows...
    But that was just a dream.....

    Then,what happened is that I was getting some
    defective DivX files and the DVD2SVCD was freezing,or giving me SVCDs that were freezing after ready.
    What I needed,then, was fixing them DivX files before encoding them.I tried using the virtual Dub,and got some sync problems,then DivxFix,but then this one wasn't really fixing every bad frame.Finally I got to DivXRepair and this is the one I adopted.
    But,then I got other kind of snyc problem...Between the repaired video and the subtitles I had,in diferent formats(SRT,Micro DVD,SSA,etc..)
    The DivXRepair takes out the bad parts of the video,sometimes,small parts and sometimes not so small,and sometimes bigger parts,and that was causing the sync problem between the Video and subtitles.
    Then,I saw myself,editing the subtitles with the subtitle tool to get them timed right to the movie,and that was a lot of work.Sometimes the bad parts were at the begining,or in the middle or in the end of the movie,and consequently the snyc problem.

    Finally I decided to hunt for a way of burning the subs into the Divx and after that running the DivXRepair.This way I wouldn't have to worry about editing the subtitle to adjust to the resulting repaired DivX as they had been burnt there before the file was mutilated.And also,I wouldn't get them subtitles given by DVD2SVCD when adding SRt,SSA,etc subtitles to the SVCDs.

    Finally.Thats how I do.I use the subtitler filter in virtual Dub.It uses subtitles in the .SSA format.
    I,myself got the SRT to SSA convertor,to convert the SRTs I had,and,also,set up the size and color of the subtitles and then use the procedure bellow to get the video with the subtitle burnt in it.
    There is also the Subtitle tool that allow to save subtilte to SSA,SRT or Micro DVD.
    There is a lot of other subtitles tools.

    Following is a step-by-step procedure for using the filters.

    First ensure that the filter .vdf file is present in a directory called
    "plugins" that exists in the same directory as the VirtualDub executable.
    Start up VirtualDub and maximize its window.
    Select File/Open video file from the pulldown menus and then open your input
    video file.
    Select Video/Filters from the pulldown menus.
    Click on the Add button in the Filters dialog box.
    Scroll down in the filter list and highlight the desired filter by clicking on it.
    Click OK. The configuration dialog for the filter appears.
    Configure the filter as desired. If the filter supports preview, you can
    interactively explore the effect of different filter settings. When you are
    happy with the settings, click OK in the filter configuration dialog box.
    Click OK in the Filters dialog box.
    Select Video/Compression from the pulldown menus.
    Highlight the desired compression for the output file and then click OK.
    Select File/Save As from the pulldown menus and select the desired output file. Processing will begin and when it is completed, the output file will contain the filtered video. (Alternatively, you can simply preview the result by using VirtualDub's timeline player.)

    The point here is that when doing this,like said above,we have to recompress the video and I think that affects the quality of it.

    I leave here a few questions for more advanced users who could give us some enlightment:
    - Is there a way to apply the method above,without recompressing the video?

    - If someone has a coment,sugestion,a better way to do it I would appreciate it

    Thanks a lot

    I hope this was helpfull.

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2003
  2. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    If you're converting AVI2SVCD (MPEG2) using DVD2SVCD, then use this method for subtitles.

    [bold]Click the Subtitles tab. If you want to include subtitles, tick the Rip Subtitles box and select either Permanent Sub titles or SVCD Subtitles (this allows them to be selectable on your DVD Player if it has this feature). In Subtitle Lang. 1 pick the language you want. It must have been on the DVD originally. When you start the conversion, it will ask you then to select the correct Subtitle track from those available.[/bold]

    Your post was edited due to legal issues(piracy). Please click the link (forum rules) under my sig.


    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2003

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