What is the best way to clean your disks?? My kids sometimes get fingerprints on the disks and I am not sure how to clean them. I was also wondering if these fingerprints will make a movie skip or a cd skip??? Do fingerprints scratch disks?? Thanks in advance..I hope this is the right place to put this.
There are many products that you can buy to clean disc's. If you want home remedies just use a search engine it shouldn't take long to find something useful. Cd's are pretty durable. I've used rubbing alcohol before it didn't hurt the disc any.
@collinst, Hi. YES, fingerprints can cause dvds, cds, and games to skip. I've bought tons of previously used in the past, and I always clean first. Fingerprints are easy to eliminate, scratches no. I've used this method of cleaning with great success: Use clear liquid dish soap, spread lightly with fingertips to top and bottom. Rinse under tepid running water. Take a soft cotton rag (absolutely no nap as this could scratch) and wipe dry from center of the hub to the outside.