How to close a dvd-r

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by molle123, Jun 25, 2006.

  1. molle123

    molle123 Member

    Jun 25, 2006
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    Hello all!

    I have a problem, and I hope you can help me.

    I was saving 300+ schoolwork documents to a dvd-r disc, all hand picked in the dvd burning software browser. Anyways, my burner is extremely slow, and suddently the laptop went to standby mode, and then there is nothing to do, the burning stopped of course.

    I reboot the laptop, and it says the burning was not finished properly. That is extremely annoying cuz I spent more than 3 hours picking the documents I wanted to save.

    I try opening the dvd-r but of course it says it is empty. When i try to burn it again, it says the disc is not empty.

    Is there some way I can close the dvd, so I can use the documents allready saved on the disc, or do I have to start all over and spend 3 more hours selecting the documents I have to save?

    Sorry if its a bit messy, but I dont master the English language to well.

    Any help will be very much appreciated.

    Kind regards,

    Martin M
  2. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    I think, even without finalizing, it should play on the same machine that burned it. You'll probably have to start over. What software are you using? There may be a folder that the software uses, to put the files in, before it burns them. Look for the folder, and see if the files are in it. If they are, all you'll have to do is burn them.

    If you have to start from scratch again, I suggest you put the files in their own folder, so if something happens again, you won't have to spend another 3 hours picking them out. They'll all be right there in that folder................
    Good luck!
  3. molle123

    molle123 Member

    Jun 25, 2006
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    Thank you for your answer mate. The problem is, I have no battery left on my laptop, so im using a desktop atm. I can see that a lot of documents has been written to the dvd, but of course the DVD drive in this computer cant read it. I remember I could close cd's back when I used those, but I just cant make it work with a dvd-r.

    Is there no other way than starting all over again? Then I will have to wait a week before I can get some power on my laptop.

    God this is irritating!

    Thank you for your answer though...

  4. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    Not that I know of. Maybe someone else knows, and will chime in.

    As I said before.......... I think it should play on the machine that made it, even if it's not finalized. Since it don't, I think something else is wrong. I'm thinking the only actual burn you got, was the "Lead In". That's why it shows as a disc that's not empty, yet doesn't play.
    Again........maybe someone else will help out.
    Good luck! I know it's aggrevating!
  5. molle123

    molle123 Member

    Jun 25, 2006
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    Well it has allmost burned 50% of the DVD-R, and its frustrating cuz I need those assignments right now, and they are all 50+ pages...

    Thanks for taking your time to reply though mate!


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