Anybody know which software (free) can convert mpeg2 to DVD. I like to convert (occationally) HDTV recording to DVD. I've done the first two step: recording --> deleting commercial --> cnvert to mpeg2. It is the last step mpeg2 --> DVD is a problem for me. I tried use nero 6.*. It first asked me to download plugin. I ignored. It did create vob file, however, when I play it there is no audio. I've searched for a few times and still can't find answer. Can someone please help?
Jozza321, Thanks. I actually tried and it produce a VTS dir with vob file. When I tried to play VOB file, there is no sound. My understanding is that one needs to pay Nero for plugin. (it is already installed, you really just get a serial #).
11peach, So you just need a serial? I think i might jus b able to a hold of one of them for ya :} tell me what the serial's for and i might just get a hold of one.
jozza321, Dishing out serials is inexcusable behavior for a member. You have a month vacation for that.