May I know any freeware to convert VCD (Dat files) to dvd and burn it? I was told that now no application that can burn VCD. But I've a VCD that I need to burn it, can I convert to DVD files than burn as a DVD? Thanks
The freeware version of VCDEASY is still around, why don't you download it and create a VCD? If you really want to burn it to a DVD, the mpeg-1 video should be supported as is.
dave.. vcdeasy don't work on xp after sp1.. I tested it on 5 repair systems (from the ad download) and it bombed on every one.. dll error.. same name, different content sp2 and 3 anyhow.. who the hell wants to burn a vcd these days except cammers?
Paula, I've got two installs of XP pro on my PC. One was upgraded from Widows ME about 5 years ago, while the other was a clean install. On the ME-updated system, I still have (believe it or not) VCDeasy installed, along with a few other apps from that era. I just fired it up for the first time in over 5 years - and on my SP3 system it ran without problems. I set it up to create bin/cue only, didn't attempt burn. (I can use IMGBURN for that). I dragged in an MPG and the bin/cue was created without incident. It still works!