OK, My son has a game he downloaded onto the computer "sims house party" anyway it is compressed by winzip. How do you convert those files to be able to copy them to a DVD I guess and ISO. In other works to get the game on a DVD so that I can take it off my computer and have it on DVD so he can play it in his PS2. Could someone plz help my son is killing me I have been backing up some of his games he has incase the original gets damaged. I have the flip top and swapmagic 3.6. My goal is to get the SIMS game onto a DVD to play in his PS2 in HIS ROOM
Try using another program called WINRAR. Right click the downloaded file, when asked what program to open with click on WINRAR. Once WINRAR opens up there should be a little "disc picture" there right click that and move it somewhere to burn (with say DVD Decrypter or Img Burn). If you still need some help just let me know.
Thanks Albundy for you reply but not sure if that is what I was asking let me ask it again. I am a little bit fimiliar with Winzip, WinRaR, Stuffit and so on and how they work or at least I think so anyway so with that I was wondering if the game or file that is compressed in the zip file needs to be changes to some other type of file in order to copy to DVD and then once copied to DVD to be able to boot up on ps2 with swap magic. IS that a better way to ask what I am trying to ask I guess my question is there a special or different formatt the games needs to be changed to for the regualr zip file that is on my HD. I have not installed it yet to my HD the exe. file is just there and ready to do something with either install on my puter or copied to disk. Thanks again
Thanks Jigen! WHat do you mean It's an add on for the PC, so forget it working? Do you mind to explain just a little bit so I can understand.
What I mean is that AFAIK this game "Sims: House Party" wasn't released for the PS2. It's an expansion pack for the PC version of the original Sims game.